The Importance of Leading Yourself

You are a leader at work and a leader in your life. The leader in you is about how you show up and putting on your own oxygen mask first is really important.

You’ve heard this before, but are you listening?

Business change happens with leadership. People are at the core of every business, especially hospitality. In order to lead the business, leaders must learn to lead others and to lead others you must first learn to lead yourself.

Define your strengths as a leader and truly connect with them. 

When you connect with what drives you internally others pick up on that. You can then build upon that connection with others.

Understand your triggers and work to correct them.

This is a tough one and it’s different for all of us, but being a good leader is about realizing where you have blind spots and working through them.

Know what makes you uncomfortable and why.

Is it giving feedback at a performance review or running a large meeting? Why is it making you feel this way and how can you make a change?

If you want to talk about learning to lead yourself, contact me and let’s chat.

Level 7