Make Meaningful and Lasting Change Happen

I’m crazy enough to believe if you learn how to lead yourself, be the best version of yourself, deliberately, by choice, and not by default. If you become an active participant in defining your leadership brand/style, then and only then can you lead others.

Once you realize you have a CHOICE in how you communicate, how you show up, and how you react to your circumstances things begin to shift.

It all begins with your ability to lead yourself. Have you ever been on a flight?

Before your flight takes off there's a safety video. What do you remember from the video?

Put your own mask on BEFORE you help others.

Leadership? Same same.

If you are reading this, you are privileged enough to indulge in thinking this way.

How are you honoring this privilege? Are you living your dream life? Are you giddy at the thought of going back to work tomorrow? Are you making a positive impact on others with your existence?

Or do you want to punch me for asking these ridiculous questions?

Good. That means you have a pulse.

When we have more people step into this way of living and being, they end up making an impact in their own lives, the lives of others, in their organizations, and in their communities.

THAT is where meaningful, lasting change happens. That is how we begin to shift our lives, communities and how we co-exist---ever so slightly.

Level 7